Stowe Cemeteries

The Cemetery Commission overseas the management of the Town's cemeteries, while the Parks Department is responsible for the maintenance.  There are seven cemeteries in the Town of Stowe:

  • Riverbank
  • Old yard
  • West Branch
  • Sterling Valley
  • Luce Hill Road (2)
  • Topnotch Lower Meadow

At this time, lots are available at Riverbank Cemetery only. 

A cremation garden was recently installed in the Riverbank Cemetery.  Further landscaping plans and old monument restoration plans are being implemented by the Commission.  A cemetery book project was completed which lists everyone buried in a Stowe Cemetery and those whose remains are outside of cemeteries but in Stowe.
For further information, please call the Town Clerk's Office at (802)253-6133 or email:

Stowe Cemeteries are OPEN

Unfortunately, due to the last storm, Cemetery Road is down to one lane traffic. At this time the bridge is unsafe for contractors carrying excess weight to cross the bridge. Please reach out to the town if you have any questions about the closure, please contact David Danforth, 802.730.6144.


 As of May 27th, the water will be turned on at the Riverbank and West Branch Cemeteries. 
Please Do Not Drink the Water.   
Phone David Danforth, Superintendent at 802-730-6144 with questions.
 Interments will be allowed on the 2nd, 4th and 5th Saturdays of the month, before 2:00 pm.   Sundays are not available. 

Stowe Cemetery Commission Meeting

A meeting of the Stowe Cemetery Commission will be held Tuesday, June 18, at 8:30 a.m. via Zoom and in-person meeting (Memorial Hall).  The link is posted below.  
*To make the agenda for the Cemetery Commissions packets, all work orders must be submitted by the Monday prior. Example: If the meeting is scheduled for June 18, 2024, submission must be done by June 10, 2024.The packets are mailed to the Commission a week in advance.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 882 9611 5656

One tap mobile: +16468769923,,88949775604# US (New York)

Dial by your location

+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)





Stowe Cemetery Commission Documents